Information about Paycard History

Lookup, Adjust or Reverse Paycard


  • The following are instructions about how to search for a specific paycard history and create any adjustments or changes if required.


  • Log in to Harmony and navigate to Payroll Employees > Paycard History.


  1. In the "Payroll Group" field, select a payroll group.
  2. In the "Filter By" field, select the drop-down as "Period end date," or "Pay date." 
    • In the date range section, Select a date range.
  3. Click on the "🔄" Refresh icon. 

To make any adjustment to an employee's paycard then use the following steps:

  1. Click on the Paycard check box.
  2. Click on "+ Add Adjustment".
  3. Click on Create and then make any adjustment required.
  • If you are adjusting a paycard then you must also adjust all the gross and taxable amount otherwise the employee EI, CPP and income tax will still consider that value as not being adjusted properly.

To reverse an employee's paycard then use the following steps:

  1. Click on the Paycard check box.
  2. Click on "⟳" Reverse icon.
  3. The chosen paycard will be reversed after you confirm that you want to do it.
  • This entry will be zeroed in the record of the employee for the purposes of tax forms and their payroll history, but any reports will still show this as an entry in their payroll. Reversing a paycard historical entry should only be done if you have not submitted any financials or government remittances for the entry in question. 
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