In Previous Companies of "Employment History" Tab Unable to Delete "Reason For Leaving" Record

I am unable to delete the "Reason For Leaving" Record available on the "Employment History" Tab successfully.


  • I am unable to delete the "Reason For Leaving" item available on the Previous Companies Record available on the "Employment History" Tab successfully. I get the error "Attention! <Reason For Leaving_name> cannot be deleted because it is used in other records". This is due to the fact that the same Item is already attached to the employee.


  • N/A


  1. After logging into Harmony, navigate to Human Resources > Setup > Employee.
  2. Search and select the employee using the search bar.
  3. Select the "Employment History" tab.
  4. Click the record and open it.
  5. In the "Reason For Leaving", select another value that is not the same value that you want to delete. 
  6. Click the “Save” icon to add the Previous Companies record.
  7. Click and open the same record.
  8. Click on the "Reason For Leaving" >> "View All" button.
  9. Click the trash icon right next to the Reason For Leaving instance.
  10. Confirm the next pop-up by clicking "Delete".
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