Important notes on Adagio GL Export

These details need to be followed for the GL Export from Clarity to Adagio. Failure to follow any of these steps would cause the import into Adagio to fail.


  1. The Customer has to specify the “GL Export File” on the parameters tab.  This file SHOULD be a .txt or .dat extension.  It CAN NOT have the same extension as the “Adagio Data Extension” (they will enter THIS on the GL Parameters tab.)  For example.  If the customers “Adagio Data Extension” is GLS then the GL Export file CAN NOT BE C:\blaghblaghblagh.GLS !!!
  2. The Export path should be the customer Data Directory path (where their Adagio Data is located)
  3. On The GL Parameters tab the customer has to enter their default currency.  By default this is “DOS”, they can change this in Adagio if they want.
  4. The “Adagio Data Extension” field wants the EXTENSION only, do NOT include the period (.) in this field.
  5. The user doing the export must have read/write access to the Adagio Data Directory or this will fail.

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