Harmony T&A - Interfaces

Standard import & export interfaces are already in the system by default. If you are not looking to import or export anything specific from Harmony T&A, you do not need to set up custom interfaces.

Interfaces allow you to import and export files into and out of Harmony in particular formats. Interfaces can be created for several types, including Timesheets, Clock Entries, and Projects & Tasks. You can only have a maximum of two (2) interfaces per type - one for comma delimited file tyles (.CSV) and another for fixed length file types (.TXT). To review your interfaces, navigate to Setup > Interfaces.

Creating an Import or Export Interface

  1. Click “+ New” to add a new interface.
  2. Enter the required fields.

Field Name



A short name for the interface.


The name of the interface.


Identifies if the interface is for importing or exporting data into/from Harmony. 


Identifies what type of data this interface will import or export.

“File Type”

Identifies the type, either comma delimited (CSV) or fixed length (TXT), of the file.

“Has Header”

If ticked, the import/export file will have a header

(If you have a header in your import file, then Harmony will ignore the first row of data when you import the file.)


Optional field that describes the interface.

  1. Depending on the type you selected earlier, there are different fields to select from that can be included in your import or export file. The images below will use the type for timesheets.
  2. Click the add button to add a row to map a field in the table on the right side of the window. Fields that are required to be in your interface are indicated with an asterisk, so be sure that you include these.
  3. Click the save button to save your changes.

Editing an Import or Export Interface

  1. From the list of interfaces, select the interface you want to edit.
  2. Edit the fields as required.
  3. Click the save button to save your changes.

Deleting an Import or Export Interface

  1. From the list of interfaces, select the interface you want to delete.
  2. Click the delete button to delete the interface.
  3. Harmony will ask for your confirmation that you want to delete the interface. Click “Delete” to delete the interface. The interface is now deleted.

If you accidentally deleted an interface, you can re-create the interface manually.

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