I Cannot See my Company Data

After you've installed the latest version of Clarity on your computer, you see that your company no longer exists in the ‘Company Select’ screen.



There can be a couple of reasons why this happens - for example, the company has not yet been created, the database server location may be incorrect, or you have not yet closed off the previous year. 


If you have not yet created the company:

  1. At the Company Select screen, click "Add" to create a new company. 
  2. Enter the "Name" for your company. 
  3. Click "OK". Clarity will create the company. 
  4. If your database needs to be upgraded, click "Yes" to finish the upgrade. If you click "No", your company will not be created.
  5. Enter all the required details for the company, such as the "Name""Address", and Contact Person Information
  6. Click the checkmark button at the top-right corner of the window to save your new company. You will be returned to the Company Select window. 
  7. Select your new company and click "Select" to log into the selected company. 

If your database server location is incorrect:

  1. Identify which machine is housing your company data. If you are on a network, the data server may be the actual network server or another machine on the network. If you are unsure of the data server, please check with your network technician. 
  2. On the data server machine, launch Clarity. 
  3. Click "Database Options" prior to logging in. 
  4. Navigate to the 'Basic' tab.
  5. Look for the "Database Server Location" field. This will indicate the computer name and SQL instance that Clarity is using to access your data (e.g. COMPUTER\AKM). Write this location down. 
  6. On all other machines that you want to access the company data, you must identify the exact database server location that you noted down in the previous step. You can change and update it in the same location on all other machines in the same location (clicking "Database Options" and navigating to the 'Basic' tab, in the "Database Server Location" field). 

If you see the company data in the previous year, but not the current year:

  1. Log into your company in the previous year. 
  2. Follow the year-end instructions to close your year. 
  3. You can now log into your company in the current year. 
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