How to Upload A Custom Cheque/Check or Paystub

Clarity offers several standard styles of cheques/checks and paystubs. If you have special paystubs that requires a special format, or requires a signature on your cheques/checks, please contact our support team for a custom cheque/check or paystub.



  • Have already received the .RTM file from Paymate (this is your custom cheque/check/paystub).
  • Know where your .RTM file is stored.



  1. Navigate to Configuration > User-Defined Cheque and Paystub Layouts.
  2. Click "Add" to add a new custom cheque or paystub. This will open up the Report Builder window. 
  3. In the Report Builder window, navigate to File > Load From File...
  4. Look for the .RTM file that you received from Paymate on your local computer.
  5. Select the .RTM file.
  6. In the Report Builder window, navigate to File > Save As...
  7. Enter a name for your custom cheque/check.
  8. Click "Save"
  9. After you have processed payroll, in the print/email cheques and paystubs step, select "User-Defined Layouts"
  10. Select the correct layout in the dropdown field.
  11. Click "Preview" to print-preview your paystubs and cheques/checks. 
  12. Click "Print" to print your paystubs and cheques/checks. 
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