How to update Employee Taxation Information - USA Symmetry

  1. From the top menu go to Employees > Taxation information > Select an employee.
    Figure 1
  2. Verify the “Federal” section selections. Review the “Filing status” for Federal section. If any (Obsolete) selection shows in the Filing status field the tax as “Single” will be considered by default. Make the appropriate selection from the drop down list. Review the other fields’ selection in the “Federal” section.
    Figure 2
  3. Verify the state section selectionsReview the “Filing status” selection. If no selection (field is blank), the “Single” filling status will be considered by default. Make the appropriate selection from the drop down list. Review the other fields’ selection in the state tax section.
    Figure 3
  4. You can select buttons “Add state” to make visible all states where employee taxes are withheld.
    Figure 4
  5. To add a state select “Add state” button to add a new state > place a checkmark beside the state(s) you want to add and select “Add” button. The new state will now be added. Select the check mark button to save changes.
  6. To Delete a state select on the state. Position your mouse pointer anywhere on the State and select the “Delete state” button > select the check mark button to save changes.


Employee Taxation Information - Attaching a Document

  1. To add document to the employee profile: From the top menu > go to Employees > Taxation information>select employee > go to “Attachments” tab.
    Figure 1
  2. Select “Add document”.
    Figure 2
  3. Browse for the document to be attached > select the document and select “Open” button.
    Figure 3
  4. The document is now attached to the user profile > Select the check mark button to save changes.
    Figure 4

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