How to Create / Print / E-File / Email RL-1


Table of Contents:

  • Creating RL-1:
  • Edit Employee Supplementaries:
  • Edit Summary:
  • Print RL-1:
  • Email RL-1:
    • Pre-requisites:
  • Creating the E-file:


Creating RL-1:


  1. Navigate to Forms > RL-1 > Create.
  2. Ensure the correct Quebec business number is selected under the Select Quebec business number tab. 
  3. Select the NEQ Group, enter the default submission number, and the range of employees to include.
  4. Click the Next button. 
  5. Verify the payroll category form assignment is correctly assigned. 
  6. Click the Next button. 
  7. Click the Finish button.

Edit Employee Supplementaries:


  1. Navigate to Forms > RL-1 > Create.
  2. Ensure the correct Quebec business number is selected under the Select Quebec business number tab. 
  3. Click the + button to insert a new record. A new window will appear.
  4. Highlight the employee you would like to create a record for and click the Select button.
  5. Verify or enter the employee's basic information.
  6. Verify or enter in any adjustments you need to make under Slip - Part 1, 2, and 3.
  7. Verify or enter in any adjustments you need to make under Employer contributions
  8. Click the check mark to save when you are done.

Edit Summary:


  1. Navigate to Forms > RL-1 > Edit Summary.
  2. Ensure the correct Quebec business number is selected under the Select Quebec business number tab. 
  3. Verify or modify the company's basic information.
  4. Part 1: verify the taxation year, the filing type and any statement of duties each month.
  5. Part 2 (A) (B) (C): verify and change any details required.
  6. Part 3: verify and change any eligible training expenditures.
  7. Part 4: verify accounts payable.
  8. Sequential number: enter the original starting sequential number and if required, the next sequential number.
  9. The Clear all button will set all RL-1's to original and clear all sequential numbers. The Assign all button will assign an original sequential number to all original or cancelled RL-1's or an amended sequential number to all amended RL-1 slips. 
  10. Click the check mark to save when you are done.

Print RL-1:


  1. Navigate to Forms > RL-1 > Print.
  2. Ensure the correct Business number is selected. 
  3. Ensure the correct Submission number is selected.
  4. Select which form to print (Supplementary, Summary, or Audit Report).
  5. Select which copy to print (Revenu Quebec, Recipent's copis, Employer's Copy, or N/A).
  6. Select which slips to print. You can click the Select all or Unselect all button, or select individual employees to print.
  7. Click the Preview button to preview the print out, or click the Print button to print when you are ready.

Email RL-1:


  • Ensure employees are set to receive tax slips by email.


  1. Navigate to Forms > RL-1 > Email.
  2. Ensure the correct Business number is selected. 
  3. Ensure the correct Submission number is selected.
  4. Select which form to create (Supplementary, Summary, or Audit Report).
  5. Select which copy to print/create (Revenu Quebec, Recipent's copis, Employer's Copy, Email recipients copy with instructions, or N/A). If you wish to email the copy, then select Email recipients copy with instructions.
  6. Select which slips to print. You can click the Select all or Unselect all button, or select individual employees to print.
  7. Click the Preview button to preview the print out, or click the Print button to print when you are ready.
  8. Go to Utilities > eDelivery.
  9. Select your preferred delivery method (either Microsoft Outlook or Direct) and click Next.
  10. Enter the Subject and Body of the outgoing email for the T4s and click Next.
  11. Click the downward facing arrow button within the text box under Delivery file name (will be on the far right side).
  12. Browse to the location of where you saved the file and click Open.
  13. Click Next and check the box under ‘Selected’ for the employees you wish to email.
  14. Click Next and then click on ‘Send Emails’.
  15. You will receive a confirmation message on the amount of emails that have been sent as well as a preview of the eDelivery.

Creating the E-file:

  1. Click on Forms >RL-1 > Magnetic Media Transmittal.
  2. Select the groups to include.
  3. For Transmitter number type in MM 999999.  This number was used by CRA to identify companies and it is not used anymore.
  4. Select the file path and the submission number.
  5. Click the Next button.
  6. Fill out all the information.
  7. Click the Next button.
  8. Ensure the company information is correct.
  9. Click the Next button.
  10. Fill out all the required information.
  11. Click the Next button.
  12. Click on the Create submission file when ready.

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