How to Create, Edit and Delete an Interface

I want to create, edit, or delete an interface correctly.

Creating an Interface: 

  1. To create a new interface, click the '+ New' button.
  2. Fill in the necessary information for the interface:
    • "Code": Give it a short, unique name. 
    • "Name": Describe what this interface does.
    • "For": Specify whether it's for bringing data into Harmony or sending data out. 
    • "Type": Say what kind of data it deals with (like Benefit Vendors). 
    • "File Type": Choose if the data comes in a CSV file (like Excel) or a TXT file. 
    • "Has Header": If your file has a title row, check this box. 
    • "Description" (optional): You can write a brief explanation if you want. 
  1. Depending on what you picked under "Type" (like Benefit Vendors), you'll see different fields to set up.
  2. Click "Add" to select which pieces of information go where in your file. You can also remove fields you don't need. Look for the asterisk (*) to find the important ones.
  3. If your file is in CSV format, tell Harmony which column holds what info by typing the column number (like 1 for the first column).
  4. If your file is in TXT format, say where the data starts and ends in each line (for example, from character 1 to character 10).
  5. Click "Save" to keep your changes.

Editing an Interface: 

  1. Find the interface you want to change from the list.
  2. Make your updates to the interface settings.
  3. Don't forget to click "Save" to save your changes.

Deleting an Interface:

  1. Pick the interface you want to get rid of.
  2. Hit the "Delete" button.
  3. Harmony will ask if you're sure you want to delete it. If you are, click "Delete" again, and it's gone.

Interfaces help you bring in data or send it out of Harmony HR in specific ways. You can set up different interfaces for different tasks, like working with benefit vendors, employee contacts, and more. 

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