How to Cancel T4s and T4As

If you have already submitted your T4s and T4As to the CRA, and you need to cancel them, follow the steps below.

Note: This article will focus on cancelling T4s in Clarity. You can follow the same steps for T4As. 

  1. Navigate to Forms > T4 > Edit Supplementaries. 

  2. Navigate to the 'Select business number' tab. Select the correct business number. 
  3. Navigate back to the 'List' tab. 
  4. Select the employee whose T4 you'd like to cancel. 
  5. Navigate to the 'Slip - Part 2' tab. 
  6. Change the "Submission Number" accordingly. If you do not have any amended T4s and you have only submitted one T4 for this employee to the CRA, enter "2". If you have an amended T4 or other submissions, enter the next corresponding number. 
  7. Change the "Report Type" to "C" for Cancel. 
  8. Click the checkmark icon to save your changes. 
  9. Repeat steps 3 through 8 for each employee whose T4 you'd like to cancel. 
  10. Navigate to Forms > T4 > Magnetic Media Filing. 
  11. Enter "Cancel" in the "Optional File Name Prefix" field. 
  12. Enter the correct "Submission Number" according to the submission number you entered in step #6 above. 
  13. Click "Next →" to continue.
  14. A confirmation message will pop up to fix the file name. Click "No" to continue. 
  15. Change the "Report Type Code" to "Amended". 
  16. Click "Next →" to continue. 
  17. Follow the normal steps to submitting it to the CRA. 


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