How to appropriately add or update the Employees section with new information

I am unable to add/update information in the Employees Section.


To finish the task of updating employee preferences and reviewing various tabs, such as "General," "Citizenship," "Company Property," "Employee Contacts," "Documents," "Employment History," and "Professional Memberships," follow these step-by-step instructions: 


  • After logging into Harmony, navigate to Human Resources > Setup > Employees.


  1. Navigate to the "General" tab.
  2. Update the fields as required, following the descriptions for each field. Here are the fields you can update:
    • "Driver License Type"
    • "Driver License Number"
    • "Driver License Issue Date"
    • "Driver License Expiry Date"
    • "Probation End Date"
    • "Ethnicity"
    • "Language"
    • "Read/Write Proficiency"
    • "Oral Proficiency"
    • "Assigned Benefit Plans"
  1. For "Assigned Benefit Plans," click the "Select Dependents" button to enroll the employee's dependents into the benefit plan.
  2. Click the "Save" button to save your changes.


  1. Navigate to the "Citizenship" tab.
  2. Update the fields as required, following the descriptions for each field. Here are the fields you can update:
    • "Countries of Citizenship"
    • "Immigration Status" 
  • If the immigration status is "Work permit", enter the following information:
    • "Date Added"
    • "Visa" 
    • "Issuing Country"  
    • "Issuing Date" 
    • "Expiry Date"  
    • "Legally Entitled to Work" 
    • "Able to Travel"  
    • "Notes"  
  1. If the immigration status is "Work Permit," you can set up notifications for approaching work permit expiry dates by clicking the "Notifications" button.
  2. Click the "Save" button to save your changes.

Company Property: 

  1. Navigate to the "Company Property" tab.
  2. To create a new company property entry, click the '+New' button and enter the required fields, including "Date Issued," "Item," "Details," and "Date Returned" (if applicable).
  3. Click the "Save" button to save your changes.
  4. To edit or delete a company property entry, select the record from the list and make the necessary changes or click the "Delete" button.

Employee Contacts: 

  1. Navigate to the "Employee Contacts" tab.
  2. To create a new employee contact entry, click the '+New' button and enter the required fields, including "Relationship," "Emergency Contact," "Dependent," and other relevant information.
  3. Click the "Save" button to save your changes.
  4. To edit or delete an employee contact entry, select the record from the list and make the necessary changes or click the "Delete" button.


  1. Navigate to the "Documents" tab.
  2. In this section, you can upload or assign documents on a per-employee level.
  3. To upload a new document for the employee, click the '+New' or 'Upload Document' button.
  4. Enter the necessary details for the document, which may include a title, description, document type, upload date, and any additional relevant information.
  5. You can also assign existing documents to the employee by selecting them from a list of available documents.
  6. Click the "Save" button to save your changes.

Employment History: 

  1. Navigate to the "Employment History" tab.
  2. In this section, you can track the employment history for the employee, both within the current company and previous companies.
  3. To create a new record for the current company, click the '+New'  button in the "Current Companies" section.
  4. Enter the required information, such as the effective date of the change, employment status, employee type, department, location, manager, and any additional comments.
  5. You can also upload and attach relevant documents to this record.
  6. Click the "Save" button to save your changes.
  7. To edit or delete a current company record, select the record from the list and make the necessary changes or click the "Delete" button.
  8. To create a new record previous employment, click the '+New' button in the "Previous Companies" section and enter the relevant details.
  9. Follow a similar process to edit, delete, or re-create previous company records.

Professional Memberships: 

  1. Navigate to the "Professional Memberships" tab.
  2. In this section, you can track professional memberships for the employee and set up notifications for membership renewals.
  3. To create a new professional membership record, click the '+New' button.
  4. Enter the required information, including the date joined, renewal date, organization, membership type, designation, employee contributions, and employer contributions.
  5. Click the "Save" button to save your changes.
  6. To edit a professional membership record, select the record from the list and make any necessary updates.
  7. To set up notifications for membership renewals, click the 'Notifications' button and configure notifications as required.

Remember to save your changes after updating each section in these tabs. This ensures that the information is accurately recorded and can be accessed as needed in the future. 

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