How to Amend T4s and T4As

If you have already submitted your T4s or T4As to the CRA and you realize that you need to make a change, such as an incorrect SIN number or an employee has an incorrect address, you must submit an amended T4 or T4A.


Note: This article will focus on creating an amended T4 in Clarity. You can follow the same steps for T4As. 

Follow the steps below on submitting an amended T4 or T4A to the CRA. 

  1. Navigate to Forms > T4 > Edit Supplementaries > 'Select business number' tab. 
  2. Select the correct business number. 
  3. Navigate back to the 'List' tab. 
  4. Double-click an employee to view their T4. 
  5. Navigate to the 'Slip - Part 2' tab of the employee's T4. 
  6. Change the "Submission Number" to "2". 
  7. Change the "Report Type" to "A" for amendment. 
  8. Make the change in the employee's T4 as required. 
  9. Click the checkmark icon at the top-right corner of the window to save your changes. 
  10. Follow the normal steps to printing/emailing T4s and submitting it to the CRA. Note: When you are generating the magnetic media file for electronically filing your T4s, ensure that your submission number is set to "2".


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