History Adjustment

How to adjust employee history.



  1. Backup the data as is before any changes: Utilities > Backup
  2. Run the employee history detail report: Reports > Payroll reports > Employee history > Detail > make selection > Preview
  3. User will make the adjustment. See below different scenario
  4. Run the integrity check: Utilities > Integrity check
  5. Run the employee History detail report to see the changes: Reports > Payroll reports > Employee history > Detail > make selection > Preview

NOTE: Printing a report after history changes it will not match reports printed at the time.


Add History Record:

Missing history record OR add history YTD recorded.




  1. Go to Employees > Paycard history
  2. Double click the employee you wish to edit
  3. Click “+”, Paycard will be created
  4. User will review and enter the correct values based on the payroll journal printed at the time. The Gross and Base wage will be entered as well.
  5. Select the Pay period end date / Pay date as required
  6. Click the Save button.
  7. Run the integrity check
  8. Run the employee history detail to see the change

Below is an example. User will have their own pay categories, values and dates.


Edit Historical paycard


  1. Employees > Paycard History.
  2. Double click the employee you wish to edit.
  3. Head to the History tab.
  4. Double click the paycard in question.
  5. Update the paycard information.
  6. Click the Save button.
  7. Close the window.
  8. Run the integrity check
  9. Run the employee history detail to see the change

Example : value into a different pay category. The 2 pay categories have identical setup.




Delete history record:


  1. Go to Employees > Paycard History.
  2. Double click the employee.
  3. Go to History tab > Select Paycard.
  4. Click the “-“ button.
  5. Confirm deletion.
  6. Run the integrity check: Utilities > Integrity check
  7. Run the employee history detail report to see the change: Reports > Payroll reports > Employee History detail

NOTE: Reports printed after adjustment will not matching the reports printed at the time ( payroll journal, balance sheet)


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