Harmony T&A - Rounding Rules

Rounding is a common practice used in payroll and timekeeping to simplify the tracking of employees’ worked hours. It involves rounding an employee’s clock-in and/or clock-out times to predetermined increments, typically between 1-minute to 15-minute intervals. An important rule is that your time clock rounding must be either neutral or favorable towards your employees.

Creating a Rounding Rule

Please check with your local labor laws to determine what rounding rules are considered to be legal.

  1. Navigate to Setup > Rounding Rules.
  2. Click “+ New” to create a new rounding rule.
  3. Enter the required fields.

Field Name



A short name for the rounding rule.


The name of the rounding rule.


An optional field that describes the rounding rule.

  1. Use the toggle if you want to enable “Total Hour Rounding”, if you use flexible shifts. This will enable you to round the entire duration of a clock entry instead of specifically the clock-in and clock-out times. For example, if rounding the total hours to the nearest 30 minutes, a clock entry that is 28 minutes in duration will be rounded to 30 minutes.
  2. Identify the Clock In and Clock Out



No Preference

Rounding time worked either up or down. For example, if rounding to the nearest 5 minutes, a clock entry that starts at 6:03am will be rounded up to 6:05am. However, a clock entry that starts at 6:02am will be rounded down to 6:00am.


Rounding up. For example, if rounding up to the nearest 5 minutes, a clock entry that starts at 6:03am will be rounded to 6:05am.


Rounding down. For example, if rounding down to the nearest 5 minutes, a clock entry that starts at 6:03am will be rounded to 6:00am.

  1. Click the save button to save your changes.

Editing a Rounding Rule

  1. From the list of rounding rules, select the rounding rule that you want to edit.
  2. Edit the fields as required.
  3. Click the save button to save your changes.

Deleting a Rounding Rule

If the rounding rule is already assigned to a shift, you cannot delete the rounding rule. You must unassign the rounding rule from the shift(s) before attempting to delete it.

  1. From the list of rounding rules, click the rounding rule that you want to delete.
  2. Click the delete button to delete the rounding rule.
  3. Harmony will ask for your confirmation that you want to delete the rounding rule. Click “Delete” to delete the rounding rule. The rounding rule is now deleted.

If you accidentally deleted a rounding rule, you can re-create it manually.

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