Harmony T&A - Projects

Your projects are the things that your employees will clock or punch into when they are working. If you are using the labor module of Harmony Payroll or have any dimensions, branches, or other allocations, these will be especially helpful. You must set up at least one project to track your employees’ worked time. A project can consist of multiple tasks that need to be completed to reach a specific goal or end product/service. To review your projects and tasks, navigate to Setup > Projects.

Creating a Project

You must first create a project before creating a task. Each project must have at least one (1) task.

  1. Click “+ New” to create a new project.
  2. Enter the required fields. You may also assign this project to employees on the right side of the window.

Field Name



A short name for the project.


The name of the project.


Where the project is located.


The department that this project belongs to.

“Pay Code”

The pay code that is associated to the project.

“Is Activity”

Identifies if the project is an ongoing activity or not. If ticked, you do not need to enter the start/end date or indicate the progress. You will also not be allowed to create tasks for the activity. If not ticked, those fields will be required and you may create a task for the project.

“Start Date”

The start date of the project if the project is not an activity. If the project has not started, your employees cannot use this project to clock in.

“End Date”

The end date of the project if the project is not an activity. If the project is ended, your employees cannot use this project to clock in.

“Progress Status”

Identifies if the project is completed or not. If it is completed, your employees cannot use this project to clock in.

  1. Click the save button to save your changes.

Creating a Task

Each project must have at least one (1) task, but you can create an unlimited number of tasks per project. You can also create child or sub-tasks for each task.

  1. From the list of projects, click the “>” button to expand the tasks within a project. The list of tasks will be expanded and are indented.
  2. Click “+” on the preceding tier (e.g. a project) to create a task beneath the selected project. If you want to create a sub-task, click “+” on the task you want to create a sub-task under.
  3. Enter the required fields. The required fields are the same as those for Projects. You may also assign this project to employees on the right side of the window.
    • The “Start Date” and “End Date” must be within the same date range as its parent. For example, if the project is from 01/01/2022 - 06/01/2022, the task cannot begin earlier than 01/01/2022 and cannot end later than 06/01/2022.
  1. Click the save button to save your changes.

Editing a Project or Task

  1. From the list of projects and tasks, click the project or task that you want to edit.
  2. Edit the fields as required.
  3. Click the save button to save your changes.

Deleting a Project or Task

If the project or task is already assigned to an employee, you cannot delete the project or task. You must unassign the project or task from the employee(s) before attempting to delete it.

  1. From the list of projects and tasks, click the project or task that you want to delete.
  2. Click the delete button to delete the project or task.
    • If you attempt to delete a project, all subsequent tasks will also be deleted.
  1. Harmony will ask for your confirmation that you want to delete the project or task. Click “Delete” to delete the project or task. The project or task is now deleted.
    • If you accidentally deleted a project or task, you can re-create it manually.
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