Harmony T&A - Preferences

Your company preferences are your default settings for your employees. When you create a new employee in Harmony, the employee’s profile will automatically take the settings defined here. To review your company preferences, navigate to Setup > Preferences.

Editing Your Company Preferences

  1. Edit the fields as required.

Field Name


“Default First Day of Week”

The default first day of the week.

“Default Timesheet Approval Path”

Read-only field that identifies the default approval path for timesheets.

“Default Time Off Approval Path”

Read-only field that identifies the default approval path for time off.

“Default Timesheet Period”

The timesheet period that is assigned to employees by default.

“Default Time Off Balance Unit”

The default unit selection for new time off types that are created.

“Default Hours Per Day”

The number of hours per day that the average employee works.

“Default Project/Task”

The project/task that will be assigned to employees by default.

“Default Pay Code”

The pay code that will be assigned to new projects, tasks, time off types, and overtime that are created.

“Default Shift”

The shift that will be assigned to employees by default.

“Default Time Off Type”

The time off type that will be assigned to employees by default.

“Allocate Clock In/Out According to Clock Out Day”

If ticked, any overnight shifts will be allocated to the clock out day if clocking in on one day and clocking out another.

“Require Approvals for All Clock Entries”

If ticked, all clock entries require approval before they are pushed to the employees’ timesheets.

“Auto-Create Timesheets with Existing Clock Entries”

If ticked, timesheets will automatically be created as long as there exists an approved (if requires approval) clock entry. If clock entries do not require approval, timesheets are automatically created when clock entries are created.

“Show Inactive/Terminated Employees”

If ticked, shows all inactive or terminated employees, along with your active employees, throughout the Time & Attendance module.

  1. Click the save button to save your changes.


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