Harmony T&A - Clock Entries

- Creating a Clock Entry

There are several ways that you can clock in and out within Harmony:

  1. Clocking In & Out with Project and Tasks
  2. Clocking In & Out with a Hardware Time Clock
  3. Using Harmony’s Terminal Mode
  4. Manually Adding a Clock Entry
  5. Importing Clock Entries

1. Clocking In & Out with Projects and Tasks

Harmony features a built-in clocking functionality that is accessible in every page and section in Harmony. It is in the top navigation bar. You must select a project/task to clock into.

  1. Open Harmony’s built-in clock bar.
  2. Select your “Project/Task” to clock into.
  3. Click “Clock In” to clock into your selected project/task.
    • If you clock in early or late, you must enter a reason why you are clocking in early/late.
  1. To switch projects/tasks, click “Switch”. You can then select a different project/task and click “Switch In” to change the project/task you’re working on.
  2. To take a break (if eligible with your shift), click “Break”. You can select the break you are taking and click “Break In”. When you return from your break, click “End Break”.
  3. To clock out entirely, click “Clock Out”.
    • If you clock out early or late, you must enter a reason why you are clocking out early/late.

2. Clocking In & Out with a Hardware Time Clock

  • If you are currently using a hardware time clock, in which your employees are using a card or a biometric method to clock in and out, you must set up your employees and their identification method. Refer to the Harmony Company User Manual for more information.
  • If you are using a hardware time clock that does not integrate with Harmony natively, you may export a file from the time clock and import it into Harmony. Refer to the Importing Clock Entries section for more information.

3. Using Harmony’s Terminal Mode

Harmony features a terminal mode which functions similarly to a hardware time clock.  You can set it up on any device, such as a computer or a tablet, and allow your employees to clock in with a six-digit PIN.

You must have set up the terminal mode as a prerequisite. Review the Terminal Mode section for more information.

  1. Navigate to Setup > Terminal.
  2. Select the terminal that you want to use.
  3. If you haven’t already, assign the employees to be permitted to use this terminal on the right side of the window. Click “Send PIN to Assigned Employees” to provide the six-digit PIN to your employees.
  4. Copy the “URL”.
  5. On the device you want to set up the terminal for, open the browser and paste the “URL” that you copied. The terminal mode is now activated.
  6. To clock into the terminal device, enter your six-digit PIN using the keypad.
  7. Click “Clock In”. You will be clocked into the default task that was set up in the terminal.
  8. Remember to log out!

4. Manually Creating a Clock Entry

If you prefer for your employees or their managers to create their own clock entries, or if your employees forgot to clock in, they can manually create an entry.

If you do not require approvals for clock entries, the clock entries will automatically be sent to the timesheet. If you require approvals for clock entries, you can review them in Clock Entries > All.

  1. Click “+ New” to create a new clock entry.
  2. Enter the required fields.

Field Name



The employee for which this clock entry is for.


The project/task that the employee worked on.

“Clock In”

When the employee clocked in (date and time).

“Clock Out”

When the employee clocked out (date and time).

“Select Break”

The name of the break that the employee took.

“Break In”

When the employee started their break (date and time).

“Break Out”

When the employee finished their break (date and time).


An optional field to add additional comments for the clock entry.

  1. Click the save button to save your changes.

5. Importing Clock Entries

Harmony lets you define custom interfaces so you can import your clock entries instead of using the other options. This is great if you are using a separate scheduling software or are tracking time worked in a spreadsheet.

You must have set up the interface correctly as a prerequisite. Review the Import & Export Interfaces section for more information.

  1. Click “Import” to import your clock entries.
  2. Select the name of the “Interface” that you want to use.
  3. Click “Choose File” to browse your computer for the file that will be used to import into Harmony.
  4. Click “Import” to finish importing your clock entries.

If you have successfully imported your clock entries, a message will appear to indicate that the import was successful. If you receive an error, there may be a mismatched field in the interface setup or your file. Be sure that your file is in the correct format (CSV or TXT depending on your interface setup) and all dates and times are in the correct format.

- Editing a Clock Entry

You can only edit a clock entry if it was manually created, hasn’t been approved, and/or if you have the permissions to do so.

  1. From the list of clock entries, select the clock entry you want to edit.
    • If you do not see the clock entry you wanted to edit in this list, it may have already been approved if approvals are required. If approvals are not required, you will need to edit it on the timesheet. Review the Editing a Timesheet section.
  1. Edit the fields as required.
  2. Click the save button to save your changes.

Any changes you make to the clock entry is recorded in the audit history. From the list of clock entries, click “Audit” on the corresponding row of the clock entry.

- Deleting a Clock Entry

You can only delete a clock entry if it was manually created, hasn’t been approved, and/or if you have the permissions to do so.

  1. From the list of clock entries, select the clock entry you want to delete.
    • If you do not see the clock entry you wanted to delete in this list, it may have already been approved if approvals are required. If approvals are not required, you will need to delete it from the timesheet level. Review the Editing a Timesheet section.
  1. Click the delete button to delete the clock entry.
  2. Harmony will ask for your confirmation that you want to delete the clock entry. Click “Delete” to delete the clock entry. The clock entry is now deleted.

If you accidentally deleted a clock entry, you can re-create it manually.

- Approving or Rejecting a Clock Entry

You can only approve or reject a clock entry if you are the approver for an employee’s clock entry.

  1. From the list of clock entries, select the clock entry you want to approve or reject.
  2. To approve this clock entry, click “Approve”.
  3. To reject this clock entry, click “Reject”. You will need to enter a reason for the rejection.

- Mass-Approving or Rejecting Clock Entries

You can only approve or reject a clock entry if you are the approver for an employee’s clock entry.

  1. Using the checkboxes next to each clock entry, tick the clock entries you want to mass-approve or mass-reject.
  2. To approve the selected clock entries, click “Approve”.
  3. To reject the selected clock entries, click “Reject”. You will need to enter a reason for the rejection.

- Exporting Clock Entries

If you are using a different system, you can export your clock entries from Harmony and import them elsewhere.

  1. Click “Export”.
  2. Select the appropriate file type that you want to export your file.
    • A .CSV file is a comma delimited file type. This means that your values are separated by commas. When you open a .CSV file in Excel, your values are separated in columns. A .TXT file is a plain text file and is simply a sequence of lines. If you’re not sure which one to use, .CSV is typically the easiest to manage.
  1. Enter the name of the file to be exported.
  2. Click “Export” to complete the process. Your exported file will be automatically downloaded to your browser’s default downloads folder.

If you’re not sure where your browser’s default downloads folder is, double-check your browser settings.

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