GL does not balance

GL does not balance (3003 error) OR No data found.


Error Message:


This error indicates that a pay category has an amount but is missing the GL account ( Debit or Credit account).



Determine which pay category and department is missing information.


  1. Go to Reports > Payroll Reports > General Ledger.
  2. Select the GL export interface.
  3. Under the prefereces tab, make a selection and click next.
  4. The user will be presented with a list of records based on the selection criteria.
  5. Click the preview button for the correct one.
  6. In the report see what Department, Pay category is missing information.
  7. Go to Setup > GL Accounts.
  8. Double click the department.
  9. Head to the GL accounts tab and review.
  10. Next you will need to export the GL record. Go to Payroll > Export > Export to GL Special.
  11. Select the correct export for you and click the export when you are done.

Unable to transfer entries

Error indicates that DI- API 32 byte is not installed / configured on the machine that try to export GL.

Below is the link to Clarity SAP integration for future references.

(Note: Clarity will use the DI API (32 byte) provided by SAP Business One® v.2007 through v.9x that is included with the installation of the application.)


GL user cannot export records – different error codes when exporting to SAP

Cause:  Incorrect GL chart of accounts setup, incorrect segmentation, missing information in SAP


Review the Gl chart of accounts:

  1. Setup > general Ledger settings > GL accounts
  2. If incorrect segmentation review the export interface.
  3. Go to Configuration > Interfaces > GL export interface.
  4. Locate the interface >  Detail tab > Account code format.
  5. Go to Payroll > Export > Export GL special.
  6. Go to GL parameters tab> review if segmentation required.

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