First Time Company Setup

This step-by-step guide will help you get off the ground and running with Clarity for the first time.

This is a required step to run your first payroll.



  • Already downloaded and installed Clarity successfully before starting with this guide.
  • Completed the first time setup and linked the SQL server.

First time login:

  1. When you first open Clarity you will be asked to sign in. The Supervisor user should not have a password setup.
  2. Click Ok. The company select screen should appear.

Company Setup:

  1. Click the Add button to add a new company, 
  2. Enter the name of the company and click OK. The system may need to update the database. Click Yes.
  3. On the Basic tab, enter the company information.
  4. On the Canadian taxation tab, enter the EI Groups, the Taxation provinces, the Quebec business number (if applicable), and the Pension Groups
  5. Click the check mark at the top right of the window to save when you are done.

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