Federal Statutory Holiday Pay Report

How do I Run the Federal Statutory Holiday Pay Report?


  1. In Clarity, navigate to Reports > Payroll Reports > Statutory Holiday Pay report. 
  2. Select whichever groups  you want to include in the report. 
  3. Select whichever employees you want to include in the report. 
  4. Select the date of the holiday. 
  5. Navigate to the 'Preferences' tab.

  6. Select the province code 'FA' for federal. 

  7. Select the appropriate "Calculation Method"
    NOTE: Choose the option from the drop down list for the calculation method to get the appropriate result.

  8. Select the start date of the working week. By default, the end day of the working week will automatically be selected. 
  9. Navigate to the 'Holiday Pay Settings' tab.
  10. Select the payroll category which is used for calculating the statutory holiday pay. 
  11. Click "Preview" to print-preview the report, or click "Print" to print out the report. 

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