Employee(s) missing from bank file

I ran my payroll and created the bank file and now I noticed that not all of my employees are there. What went wrong?



An Employee will only appear in a bank file if that employee’s paycard has the Payment Method set to Deposit. Any paycard with a Payment method of Cheque or None will not be included.



Steps to change single paycard:

  1. Go to Payroll > Process Payroll.
  2. Double click on the employee’s paycard (to enter Edit mode).
  3. You will see the Payment Method setting on the bottom right hand side. Change it to Deposit.

To change the employee’s payment method permanently:

  1. Go to Setup/Employees.
  2. Highlight the employee you wish to change, and click on Edit.
  3. Once in the Edit screen, go to the Bank tab. Here you will see a flag for Pay Employee by Direct Deposit.
  4. Deselect this flag, and the employee’s payment method will be set to Cheque.
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