Edit WCB or WSIB

How to adjust WCB/WSIB rate in Acclaim if it has changed.



If the company has only one WCB rate, then do the following:

  1. Go to Setup>Company
  2. Select your company and click on Edit
  3. Enter the new WCB rate into the Company Edit screen. Save and Close. This new rate will be applied to the selected Company’s payroll. 

If your Worker’s compensation is setup as a Payroll Category, than you have to do following steps:

  1. Go to Setup>Payroll Categories
  2. Select the WCB category that is setup as a benefit. Click on Edit.
  3. Click on the Formula definition icon, change the rate to represent new WCB rate.
  4. Close and save.


If you have multiple rates for WCB, make sure you change rate for all the Payroll categories.

New WCB rates will be applied to all future payrolls.

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