Declining Balance Payroll Categories

Setting up Declining Balance Payroll category – for purpose of Garnishee, Employee Loan, Employee Advance.


To set up garnishee or to deduct Employee contributions towards the loan or the advance payment a deduction payroll category can be setup.


  1. Go to setup > Payroll setting > Payroll Categories.
  2. Click on Add (+) button and choose deduction.
  3. Under the type category select Declining Balance.
  4. Save.
  5. Go to Employee > Master Paycard.
  6. Select the employee from the List tab to which you want to apply this payroll category.
  7. Go to Deductions Tab.
  8. Click on Add deduction and choose the payroll category you just added. 

Under the Opening frame in the Declining balance field you can enter the total loan amount or the total Garnishment the employee has to pay. Under the Default per pay frame in the Amount field enter the amount which employee will pay every payroll run.

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