Create, Edit, Assign, Delete a Performance Appraisal

I would like to Create, Edit, Assign, Delete a new Performance Appraisal.


  • I am unable to Create, Edit, Assign, Delete an Appraisal successfully.


  • N/A


A. Creating a Performance Appraisal: 

  1. Click the ‘+ New’ button to start a new performance appraisal.
  2. Fill in the required fields on the left side:
    • "Appraisal Name": Give the appraisal a name.
    • "Frequency": Specify how often this appraisal occurs.
    • "Instructions": Add any extra guidance for employees and managers conducting the appraisal.
  3. In the middle of the window, define preferences:
    • "☐ Include Competency Group": Decide if you'll include a competency group (if yes, select one).
    • "☐ Include Company Goals": Choose whether to include company-wide goals.
    • "☐ Include Department Goals": Choose whether to include department-specific goals.
    • "☐ Include Employee Goals": Decide if individual employee goals are part of this appraisal.
    • "☐ Include Professional Development": Allow additional document uploads.
    • "☐ Include Employee Self-Review": Enable employees to appraise themselves.
    • "☐ Keep Confidential from Employee": Hide certain tabs from employees.
    • "☐ Allow Employee Comments": Allow employee comments (you can make this field required).
    • "☐ Allow Manager Comments": Enable manager comments (optional or required).
    • "☐ Allow Reviewer Comments": Allow reviewer comments (optional or required).
  4. Define the final rating scale on the right side:
    • "Name": Name of the final rating. 
    • "Min %": Minimum percentage required for this rating. 
    • "Max %": Maximum percentage allowed for this rating (Enter a numeric value that is greater than the previous "min%").
    • "Weight": Assign weights to different components (all weights must add up to 100%). 
  1. Click "Save" to save your changes.

B. Editing a Performance Appraisal: 

  1. Find the performance appraisal in the list.
  2. Select it.
  3. Make the necessary edits.
  4. Click "Save" to save your changes.

C. Assigning a Performance Appraisal to Employees: 

  1. Choose the performance appraisal from the list.
  2. Click "Assign" to begin the assignment process.
  3. Use checkboxes to select the employees you want to assign it to. Filters can help you narrow down the list.
  4. Click "Assign" to confirm your choices.

D. Deactivating/Reactivating a Performance Appraisal: 

  • To deactivate or reactivate, locate the performance appraisal in the list and toggle the switch accordingly. 

E. Deleting a Performance Appraisal: 

  • Ensure that no records are associated with the performance appraisal you want to delete. 
  • Locate the performance appraisal in the list. 
  • Click "Delete" and confirm to delete it. 

If you accidentally delete a performance appraisal, you can recreate it manually. This process helps you manage employee performance assessments effectively in Harmony HR. 


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