Create, edit, and web export ROE

How to create ROE, Edit ROE and Web export ROE.

At this point, the last timesheet for the employee should already be posted.

  1. From the main Paymate window select Setup > Employees. The Select Employee window opens.
  2. Click Edit. The Employee Edit window Opens.
  3. On the Basic tab, change the status to terminated or inactive.
  4. Enter the termination date.
  5. From the main Paymate window select Forms > Record of Employment > Edit R.O.E. The Record of Employment Select window opens.
  6. Click Add. Select the employee by number, name, department, or from the drop-down list.
  7. Click Select and verify that all the fields on the Record of Employment are correct.
  8. Click Save if you edit anything in R.O.E.

Export to ROE Web:

Forms > Record of employment > Export to ROE web
This option allows you to create a Bulk Transfer file suitable for transmission to the Record of Employment on the Web (ROE WEB). The bulk transfer file can contain multiple ROEs. Prior to using this feature, you must first create the ROE(s) by choosing the Edit ROE option from Record of Employment within the Forms menu.

Employees to Include
Select All Employees if you want to choose all Terminated employees.
Select Selected Employee if you want to choose a specific employee to export.
You can use the Search by Number and Search by Surname fields to find a specific employee.

Date Range
Set the Include ROE period ending date as the first date in the range to use for selecting ROEs.
Set the Exclude ROE period ending date as the last date in the range to use for selecting ROEs.

Enter the name for the ROE bulk transfer file and the directory it is to be created in. The filename must have a .BLK extension.

Processing Method
Select Draft if you wish to send draft ROE(s).
Select To Be Submitted if you wish to send final ROE(s) for submission.
Click on ‘Next’ Button

Please select ROEs to be exported
In this screen you can select which ROE(s) to include in the bulk transfer file. By default, all ROE(s) that fell within the parameters of the previous screen will be checkmarked.
Select the ROE(s) you wish to export by adding a checkmark in the selected column.
Deselect the ROE(s) you do not wish to export by removing the checkmark in the selected column.
Click Export to continue, Previous to return to the first screen to make changes, or Cancel to exit.

How to upload ROE (.BLK file)
Upload ROE :

Please Click on following link for detail explanation

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