Create a New Goal

I am unable to create a new 'Goal' successfully.


  • I am unable to create a new 'Goal' successfully. This may be due to the fact that there are missing mandatory field values. 


  • N/A


  1. After logging into Harmony, navigate to Human Resources  > Setup > Performance. 
  2. Click the “Goal” button on the top of the Performance page.
  3. Click the “+New” button on the top right corner of the Goals pop-up window.
  4. Fill in the details:
    • "Type": Company-wide or department-specific. 
    • "Goal Name": Name of the goal. 
    • "Period": Timeframe for goal completion. 
    • "Description" (optional): Extra information about the goal. 
    • "Progress": Tracked automatically or manually. 
    • "Use in Performance Appraisals": Decide if this goal affects appraisals.
  5. Click the “Save” icon to add the newly created goal.

To manage the Goal Rating Scale:

  1. Click "Rating Scale."
  2. Edit the rating scores as needed:
    • "Name": The name of the rating score. 
    • "Score": Numerical score used in performance appraisals.
  3. Click the “Save” icon

This system helps you manage competency groups and employee goals efficiently, facilitating performance appraisals and tracking progress.