Create a New Benefit

I am unable to create a new Benefit successfully.


  • Steps to create a new benefit without making any error.


  • N/A


  • After logging into Harmony, navigate to Human Resources > Setup > Benefit.
  • Click “+New” button on the top right corner to open Create Benefit pop-up.

In the 'Details' Tab, fill out the following:

  1. In the "Name" field, enter a value. 
  2. In the "Code" field, enter a value (Short name for the Benefit Plan).
  3. In the "Start Date" field, enter a value.
  4. In the "End Date" field, enter a value.
  5. In the 'Type' dropdown, select a value (Type of Plan).
  6. In the 'Vendor' dropdown, select a value.

Now select the Contribution tab:

  1. Select the ‘Contribution’ tab.
  2. In the "Contribution Frequency" field, select a value from the dropdown.
  3. Select if the contribution amounts you will enter are in dollars ($) or percentages (%).
  4. In the "Employee Contribution" field, enter a value more than zero.
  5. In the "" field, enter a value more than zero.
  6. In the "Pay Code" field, select a value.
  7. In the "Employer Contribution" field, enter a value more than zero.
  8. In the "" field, enter a value more than zero.
  9. In the "Pay Code" field, select a value.
  10. Click “Save icon to add the new benefit.

Lastly, select the 'Eligibility' tab:

  1. Check "☐ Allow enrollment if eligibility criteria is not met" if this benefit plan allows an employee to enroll into this benefit plan, even if they do not meet the eligibility criteria.
  2. Check "☐ Age" if there is an age range that the employee must fall into.
  3. Check "☐ Employee Types" to show the employee type(s) that an employee can have. 
  4. Check "☐ Marital Status" to show  the martial status(es) that an employee can have.  
  5. Check "☐ Salary (Base)" to show the basic salary range that the employee must fall into. 
  6. Check "☐ Salary (Gross)" to show the gross salary range that the employee must fall into.
  7. Check "☐ Gender" to show the gender(s) that an employee can have.
  8. Check "☐ Is a smoker" to show if the employees who smoke can enroll into this benefit plan.
  9. Check "☐ Is a Student" to show if the employees who are students can enroll into this benefit plan or not.  
  10. Check "☐ Years of Service" to show the years of service range that an employee must fall into. 
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