Change GL Account code format

How to change GL Account code format.


  1. Head to Configuration > Interfaces > GL export interfaces
  2. Open the Detail tab.                                         

A code format is used to describe the type and length of data when exporting records through an interface.

Listed below are the different characters in the code format and how they are used to describe data in the export files:

GL Accounts Interface:

  • ‘A’ - a Numeric digit placeholder that is mandatory to be filled.
  • ‘a’ - a Numeric digit placeholder that is optional to be filled.
  • ‘-‘ - a dash placeholder

Job cost interface:

  • ‘C’ - a Numeric digit placeholder that is mandatory to be filled.
  • ‘c’ - a Numeric digit placeholder that is optional to be filled.
  • ‘-‘ - a dash placeholder
  • NOTE: Do NOT use Wild Card Characters such as !@#$%^&*().

Examples of code formats:

  • Code Format: AAAA-AAAA
  • Valid entry: 1234-1234
  • Code Format: aaaa-aaaa
  • Valid entry: 123-123
  • Code Format: AAAAAAAAAAA
  • Valid entry: 55577789765
  • Code Format: aaaaaaaaaaa
  • Valid entry: 555777 

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