Canada Savings Bond

This option would let you create a File that you can transmit to Bank of Canada for Payroll deductions of Canada Savings Bond.


Each employee who wishes to participate in CSB deduction from his or her payroll would be assigned a Deduction Payroll category that represents CSB. Contributions could be RRSP or regular CSB (non – RRSP).
Create a deduction Payroll category for each Contribution type. For example create Payroll category 410 CSB for regular contribution and 420 for RRSP contribution.
Assign the deduction category to the employee participating in the program.

How to create CSB file:


  • Ensure at least one paycard with CSB deduction has been processed.


  1. Go to Payroll > Create CSB file
  2. There are several sections of a CSB, please review them below.

General Information

  • You can create CSB file for the payroll you are in, or all the payroll groups that are currently open.  Select appropriate option under Create CSB file for.    
  • Select Transmission date, this is the deposit date.
  • Select Destination Export file name.  Select destination folder.  File is saved in text format for example ‘csb.txt’.

CSB categories

  • All deduction categories are shown in this screen, select the appropriate CSB deduction categories by placing a flag under Regular CSB or RRSP.

Transmission information

  • Fill in Transmission ID and Transmission parameters
  • Transmission number is a 5 digit number provided by Bank of Canada
  • Organization site is a 3 digit number provided by Bank of Canada
  • Transmission’s Organization ID is a 5 digit number provided by Bank of Canada
  • Transmission’s reference ID is a field with up to 30 digit alphanumeric characters, this information is also provided by Bank of Canada.
  • Payment method could be Transmission or Batch.   Select the appropriate.
  • If the confirmation is not required, select None, else, select the appropriate method. Fill out fax number or email address as per the selection.

Batch Information

  • Organization ID is a 5 digit number provided by Bank of Canada.
  • Reference ID is a field with up to 30 digit alphanumeric characters, this information is also provided by Bank of Canada.
  • If the confirmation is not required, select none, else, select the appropriate method. Fill out fax number or email address as per the selection.
  • After all the information has been entered Click on Save and Create.


  • When the Accrual category Type is set to Hourly or Piece work, the accrual value could be unit or amount or both
  • Allow negative balance, when this flag is checked, the payout could be more than the accrue amount. For example if an employee has accrued vacation of $450 and is being paid $500, the program will let you pay this amount even though the accrual balance will go into negative amount.  If you do not want this feature, remove the flag, then the payout amount can not be more than the accrual amount.  Even though if you try to enter $500 in the above example, the program will change it to $450 which is the maximum accrued. 

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