Calendars - How to Create, Edit, and Delete

Holiday calendars can be set up based on your organizational needs. While most organizations only need one, you may require more.

When are multiple holiday calendars needed?

Multiple holiday calendars are used when there is a need to differentiate dates between groups of employees. For example, if your employees are located in different states or provinces, or if your employees have different holiday schedules in the organization, then multiple holiday calendars may be useful.

Creating a New Holiday Calendar

When creating a Holiday Calendar, make sure to have a copy of the state or provincial legislation handy for reference.

  1. Navigate to Configuration > Setup > Calendar.
  2. Click “+ New” to add a new holiday calendar.
  3. Enter the required information. Depending on the "Country" you selected, the appropriate states, provinces, or territories will appear in the Province dropdown field.
  4. Click the save icon to save your changes. This will save a ‘shell’ of the calendar (not yet populated with official holiday dates).

    Note: It may be useful to set up a calendar for each state, province, or territory in which you have employees residing in. This will cover any differences, if any.
  5. Select the Holiday Calendar from the list you wish to populate.
  6. Click on the “Add Holiday” button.
  7. Enter the required information.
  • Name”: The name of the holiday.
  • Date”: The date of the holiday.
  • Non-Statutory Holiday”: Indicates that this holiday is not required for an employee to take off, as per government legislation. If this holiday is provided outside of this governmental requirement, then check off this box.
  • Half-Day: Indicates that this holiday is only for the duration of a half working day rather than a full working day.
  • Description: Describes the holiday.

Click the "Save" icon to save your changes. Repeat this process until all days required to be in the Holiday Calendar have been added and saved.

Editing an Existing Holiday Calendar

  1. Navigate to Configuration > Setup > Calendar.
  2. Select an existing calendar from the list. 
  3. Make changes to the "Name""Country""Province" as you see fit. 
  4. To make changes to a holiday in a calendar, select the relevant holiday from the list. 
  5. Make the changes as required. 
  6. Click the "Save" icon to save your changes to the holiday in the calendar. 
  7. Click the "Save" icon to save your changes to the holiday calendar. 

Deleting a Holiday Calendar

  1. Navigate to Configuration > Setup > Calendar.
  2. Select the calendar you wish to delete.
  3. Click the trashcan icon to delete the calendar. Harmony will prompt you to confirm this deletion.
  4. Click “OK” to delete the calendar.

Note: This will delete the entire holiday calendar, including its holidays. To delete a single holiday from a calendar, please continue onto the next section.

Deleting a Holiday from a Holiday Calendar

  1. Navigate to Configuration > Setup > Calendar.
  2. Select the calendar that you’d like to delete a holiday from.
  3. Select the holiday you wish to delete by checking off the box next to it.
  4. Click the trashcan icon to delete the holiday from the calendar. Harmony will prompt you to confirm this deletion.
  5. Click “OK” to delete the holiday.

Calendars can be assigned to employees in the Time and Attendance module of Harmony.

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