Assigning Payroll Categories to Employees

I want to assign payroll categories to my employees.


  • The following are instructions about assigning Payroll Categories to employees.


  • Create Payroll Category you want to assign.
  • Navigate to Payroll Setup > Assign Payroll Category.


  1. Select the "Payroll Category" you want to assign from the first dropdown list. Employees who are already assigned the payroll category will appear in a list at the bottom of the page.
  2. To assign the selected payroll category to one employee, select their "name" in the second dropdown list.
  3. Only employees who are not assigned the selected payroll category will appear in this list.
  4. Identify the amount/rate/units if it is the same for all employees. If it is different for all employees, enter ‘0’.
  5. Click the “+ Add” button.

The employee is now assigned to the selected payroll category and will appear at the list at the bottom of the screen

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