Amended RL-1

Step 1b: Creating Amended RL-1



  1. Form > RL-1 > Edit RL-1 supplementaries.
  2. Update the Slip Type (Type de Feuillet).
  3. Update Submission Number (No of soumission).
  4. Remove the Original Slip Number (No du denier releve transmis).
  5. Click Save (Enregister) > user needs to confirm the changes.
  6. After confirmation Sequential Number (The Nombre sequential) will be moved to No du dernier releve transmit.
  7. Go to Forms > RL-1 > RL-1 Summary > Sequential Number tab.
  8. Click Assign all (Assignez tout) button and confirm. At the end of the process new sequence will be assign to employee.
  9. Update the Transmitter record, go to Forms > RL-1 > Transmitter record.
  10. Update Package type and review information.
  11. Save when you are done.

  12. Create the Media file, go to Forms > RL-1 > Magnetic media filing for RL-1.
  13. Select the correct submission number and select the location where to save the file.
  14. Save when you are done.
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