Adjust Vacation Accrual

I want to adjust vacation accrual.



  1. Backup you data as is now before changes: Utilities > backup company data > write down the location and the file name for your references.
  2. Go to Reports > Payroll reports > employee year to date.
  3. Select the employee then preview or print. This report will show the vacation accrued (accrual), vacation paid (pay out) and vacation owed (balance).
  4. Go to the top tab under 'Employees'.
  5. Select Paycard history and select the employee.
  6. Add a historical record by clicking on the "+".
  7. Ensure all the amounts are zero.
  8. In the vacation accrued payroll category input the vacation accrual amount. If the owed is a negative amount then the accrual should be a positive amount.
  9. In the "Memo .." cell make a note such as vacation adjustment.
  10. Go to utilities > integrity check and click continue.
  11. Check off all the tasks to complete and click process. 
  12. Print year to date for the employee to see the amounts: Reports > Payroll reports > employee year to date.
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