Adding New Checklist Item and creating notification

I am unable to add a new checklist item


  • I am unable to add a new checklist item or notification to the following sections:
    • "Action Prior to First Day"
    • "Action On First Day"
    • "Actions After First Day"


  • N/A


New Checklist:

  1. After logging into Harmony, navigate to Human Resources > Setup > On Boarding.
  2. Click on the '+' button on the section you want to add a new checklist.
  3. On the first field add a title for the checklist item that does not exceed 150 characters.
  4. On the second field add whom you want to assign the task to, followed by a deadline (Not required if it is an Action on First Day).
  5. Click “Save” icon to update changes.

Creating Notification:

  1. Click on the 'Notification' button to add a new notification.
  2. On the first field add a numeric value to indicate the number of time units.
  3. On the second field select a time unit from the dropdown.
  4. On the third field select any selection of notification receiving parties from the dropdown.
  5. Click “Save” icon to update changes.
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