Add a Company Bank Account as "Scotia Bank (One time EFT)"

When I try to add the "Scotia Bank (One time EFT)" the bank interface "Save" button does not get enabled.


  • Try to add the company bank as "Scotia Bank (One time EFT)" by adding all the mandatory fields


  • Log in to Harmony and navigate to Admin settings > Bank account 


This issue can occur when trying to add the company bank as "Scotia Bank (One time EFT)" without adding mandatory fields. To solve this issue, follow the following steps:

  1. Click on the "+New" button 
  2. Toggled the "Company Bank" toggle 
  3. Enter "Bank Code."
  4. Enter "Bank Name."
  5. Select "Bank Interface Groups" as "Scotia Bank (One time EFT)"
  6. Enter a valid value for "Description."
  7. Enter a valid value for "Customer number"
  8. Enter a valid value for the "Next bank file sequence number"
  9. Enter a valid value for the "Payment group"
  10. Enter a valid value for the "Transaction code"
  11. Click on the "Save" button.
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