Add a Company Bank Account as "HSBC"

When I try to add the "HSBC" the bank interface "Save" button does not get enabled.


  • Try to add the company bank as "HSBC" by adding all the mandatory fields.


  • Log in to Harmony and navigate to Admin settings > Bank account.


This issue can occur when trying to add the company bank as "HSBC" without adding mandatory fields. To solve this issue, follow the following steps:

  1. Click on the "+New" button 
  2. Toggled the "Company Bank" toggle 
  3. Enter "Bank Code."
  4. Enter "Bank Name."
  5. Select "Bank Interface Groups" as "HSBC"
  6. Enter a valid value for "Description."
  7. Enter a valid value for "Next bank file sequence number"
  8. Enter a valid value for the "Company account number"
  9. Enter a valid value for the "Originator ID"
  10. Enter a valid value for the "Transaction code"
  11. Click on the "Save" button.
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