Adagio Import Interface

The system includes two pre-designed GL Export Layouts, built to integrate your Payroll with the Adagio ledger.

The two layouts that are included are a Header-Detail type layout (which includes a header record, along with details of each entry, by employee), and a Detail type layout (no header record, only detail by employee). Either one of these two options will integrate effectively with your Adagio ledger. NOTE: You may wish to try both types of layout prior making your final selection, so that you can properly identify the type that will work best for you.

NOTE: For information on Importing your data into Adagio, please see the bottom of this section.


To export your payroll data using the ‘Export to GL’ function:

  1. Go to Configuration > Interfaces > Preferences.
  2. Under the ‘Interfaces’ tab. Select the appropriate item in the ‘Default General Ledger Interface’ drop down list, click on save, and close.
  3. Go to Payroll > Export > Export to GL.
  4. In the ‘Destination’ section, enter the desired file name and location for the export file.
  5. In the ‘Batch Date’ section, enter the desired date for the batch to be created.
  6. If you wish to include Cost Allocation details, select this flag now.
  7. In the ‘GL Parameters’ section, enter the appropriate Fiscal Date and Fiscal Period to be used for the batch to be created. NOTE: This information is required, and will determine the fiscal period used by the batch on import.
  8. When you are satisfied all information is correct, click on ‘Export’. The system will then collect the required data, and create the export file in the location you specified.


  • The ‘Export to GL’ function does not allow the user to specify which entries are included – it will collect and export ALL entries that have not been previously exported.
  • Any entries that have been exported previously will not be exported again. If you wish to re-export an item or items, you must use the ‘Export to GL Special’ function (see below for details)

To export your payroll data using the ‘Export to GL Special’ function:

  1. Go to Configuration > Interfaces > Preferences.
  2. Click on the ‘Interfaces’ tab. Select the appropriate item in the ‘Default General Ledger Interface’ drop down list, click on save, and close.
  3. Go to Payroll > Export > Export to GL Special.
  4. In the ‘Groups to include’ section, select any desired criteria for inclusion (i.e. Specific payroll group, specific department, etc).
  5. In the ‘Date Range’ section, enter the dates you wish to use. You can either select a specific quarter for export, or you can enter a specific date range that is suitable for your procedures. Most commonly, data is exported on a monthly basis.
  6. If you wish to include Cost Allocation details, select this flag now.
  7. Go to the ‘Preferences’ tab.
  8. In the ‘Application of date range’ section, select the method of application you wish to use. Your options are ‘Pay Period ending date’ (which will include all paycards whose period ending date is within the date range specified), and ‘Pay Cheque date’ (which will include all paycards whose cheque date is within the date range specified).
  9. In the ‘Destination’ section, enter the desired file name and location for the export file.
  10. In the ‘Batch Date’ section, enter the desired date for the batch to be created.
  11. Go to the ‘GL Parameters’ tab.
  12. In the ‘GL Parameters’ section, enter the appropriate Fiscal Date and Fiscal Period to be used for the batch to be created. NOTE: This information is required, and will determine the fiscal period used by the batch on import.
  13. Click on ‘Next’.
  14. This will display a listing of all transactions that qualify, based on the criteria entered. Here you have several options. You can choose to ‘Include Exported paycards’, which will select all items which have been previously exported; you can also choose ‘Include non-exported paycards’, which will select all items which have NOT been previously (NOTE: These two options can be used together, or separately, as the situation dictates). Select your desired option(s) now.
  15. Once the desired transactions have been selected, you can proceed to the export, view a preview of the export file, or view a GL Report, based on the transactions selected. To export the file, click on ‘Export’. To preview the export file, click on ‘Preview’. To view the GL Report, click on ‘GL Report’.

How to Import your payroll data into Adagio:

Once your payroll data has been exported, you may proceed to the Import function within Adagio.


  • Prior to importing, all GL Accounts being used in your Payroll data MUST be entered into Adagio. If an account used in the payroll data file does not exist in Adagio, the record will be ignored, and your batch will be out of balance.
  • The Adagio Import does not check for duplicate batches, therefore it is advised that you delete or rename your export file after successfully importing into Adagio.

To import data into Adagio:

  1. In Adagio Ledger, go to File > Import > Batches, and click on either ‘Header Detail’, or ‘Detail Only’ (NOTE: This is dependent on the layout you have chosen in Clarity. If you have chosen the Header/Detail layout, select the same here. If you have selected ‘Adagio (Default template)’, select Detail Only. If the wrong selection is made, the import will not be successful). 
  2. In the ‘File format’ drop down list, select ‘ASCII CSV (Delimited).
  3. In the ‘File Name’ field, enter the name and location of the file exported from Clarity (You can also manually locate the file by clicking on the Browse button).
  4. Click on Import. The system will now validate and import your payroll entries.


  • If there are any errors in the file you are attempting to import, you will be prompted with a dialogue box, describing the error. For example, if a GL Account used in the export file does not exist in Adagio, you will get a message advising that the account doesn’t exist.
  • If errors exist in the file, you may abort the import, fix the errors, and re-import later.

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