Accrual did not carry over from previous year

My accruals are shown as zero after closing year.



Reset at Year End Flag may be checked off for the employee from the previous year.


Depending on when you noticed that the accruals were not carried over, there are different options. 

If you have not already completed the year-end:


  1. Go to Setup > Payroll Settings > Payroll Categories.
  2. Under Accruals > General.
  3. Uncheck the Reset at year end box. 

If you have already completed the year end and NOT STARTED payroll:


  • During the year end, a backup should have been created (unless you checked the option to not make a backup).
  • You have not already processed payroll for the new year.


  1. Go to Utilities > Restore. 
  2. Select the restore file you created during the year end. Restore the file.
  3. Go to Setup > Payroll Settings > Payroll Categories.
  4. Under Accruals > General.
  5. Uncheck the Reset at year end box.
  6. Close the year again. Go to Year end > Close Year and follow the steps.

If you have already completed the year end and STARTED payroll:


  • During the year end, a backup should have been created (unless you checked the option to not make a backup).


  1. Go to Utilities > Backup. Create a backup by clicking on backup in the new screen.
  2. Go to Utilities > Restore. 
  3. Select the restore file you created during the year end. Restore the file.
  4. Review the employee(s) accruals. Go to Reports > Payroll reports > Accrual Categories.
  5. Print out the report.
  6. Go to Utilities > Restore. 
  7. Select the restore file you created during step 1. Restore the file.
  8. Go to Employee > Master Paycard.
  9. Select the Accruals tab, and enter in the values from the report PLUS any year-to-date amounts. 
  10. Click the check mark to save. 
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