Aatrix error "____________ - Entry Point Not Found"

I get an error message "____________ - Entry Point Not Found" when trying to load Aatrix forms.


For a quick fix, follow the steps below. This does not require a complete reinstall of the files.


  1. Take note of the location of the file in the error message. Navigate to this location in Windows File Explorer to complete the next steps.
    In the example screenshot: C:\ProgramFiles (x86)\Aatrix Software\Aatrix Forms\Demo\AATRIXFORMS.EXE
  2. Once you are in the Program Files location, you will see an ERRORREPORT application. (It may also appear as ERRORREPORT.EXE). Double click this application to open.
  3. The ERRORREPORT.EXE application will have 1 active option available, "Fix Update". Click that button.
  4. You will see a message that states, "Reloading as admin. Please select Fix update again once reloaded". Click OK.
  5. You may get a UAC (User Account Control) prompt either asking for you to select Yes, or it will ask for Administrator credentials for the computer. IT staff may need to help with this step.
  6. The updater will then open and you can run it as normal. Once the update is complete, you can resume filing forms.

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